Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Storm Strider 1

So I finally got around to painting my Storm Strider over the weeked. After last weeks performance in the 3 games I ran him in I decided he deserved some paint, along with Harlan Versh who took out eGaspy with 3 well placed shots.

Front pic of SS.
Side view of SS.

Storm Strider next to a Storm Smith.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

....long over Due!

So Chad and I decided to get a Sunday game in and I had my camera ready.

I was meant to take Constance but decided to use my Storm Strider in the NQ eHaley Tier list.

Chads list:High Allegiant Amon Ad-Raza
* Reckoner
* Reckoner
* Hierophant
Choir of Menoth (Leader and 3 Grunts)
Idrian Skirmishers (Leader and 5 Grunts)
* Idrian Skirmishers Chieftain & Guide
Knights Exemplar (Leader and 5 Grunts)
Allegiant of the Order of the Fist
The Wrack (3 wracks)
Vassal of Menoth
Vassal of Menoth
My list:
Major Victoria Haley

* Stormclad
Arcane Tempest Gun Mages (Leader and 5 Grunts)
Field Mechaniks (Leader and 3 Grunts)
Storm Tower
Stormblade Infantry (Leader and 5 Grunts)
* Stormblade Infantry Officer & Standard
Storm Strider (Had advance move for tier 1)Captain Arlan Strangewayes
Stormsmith Stormcaller
Stormsmith Stormcaller (Free for tier 2)

 So Terrain was set up with us rolling for the water and it was shallow. With the roll off to see who would decide sides Chad took the far side with the water.

 Chad set up his force very close together with his Jack flanking his caster and the Idrians right in front of his force. I put my SS (Storm Strider) in the middle of the board not know where he would go and squeezed the Stormknights to the left and Gunmages to the right, knowing that they can protect the flank if something silly was to happen. The Idrian's called Prey on the Stormknights. And the SS took its advance move directly up the board.

Chads turn 1. He runs the Exemplars, Idrians, Reckoners. Hierophant gave Amon "Harmonious Exaltation". Amon cast Synergy on himself and charged the SS. The choir moved up and gave the Jack behind the wall some love so that he could not be shot at.

My turn 1. I activate Haley first and cast Deadeye and Temporal Acceleration on the SS and moved it two inches forward with Telekinesis. she then cast Telekinesis on herself and called her Feat catching everyone except the Hierophant and the Choir. The SS moved up and tried to use its Deadeye shot on Amon but missed so I put the other two into the Idrians and left the Guide alive but he failed his command check and was fleeing. Everyone else moved up with the Gunmages running in to cover any LOS the Reckoners would have to Haley.

Chads turn 2 (Known as Kelvin's Menoth turn). I thought that models outside the feat bubble could choose to activate before or after I started feat effected models. So Chad activated the Choir and gave the Jacks +2 to hit and damage rolls. And the Hierophant used "Harmonious Exaltation" again on Amon. Exemplars moved towards the SS. Idrian Rallied. The Allegiant went into shifting sand stance. First Vassal did ancillary attack on the one reckoner who shot the SS. 2nd Vassal did the same to the other Reckoner. The Amon activated and cast Convection on a Stormblade, killing him and giving one Reckoner an extra Focus. Both Reckoners shot at the SS. Leaving it on 4 hp and on fire.

 My Turn 2 . I roll to see if the fire goes out on the SS and it didn't. So Chad rolled damage and a lucky roll (10+) would have killed it but he did not even roll past the armor. The Mechanic and his crew moved up and repaired the SS for 6 points. The Stormsmiths both moved up and disrupted both Jack just in case he wanted to call his feat. Haley activated and cast TA on the SS and Deadeye on the SS and Stormblades. The SS shot at Amon Boosting to hit and got it and boosted damage. Next shot I tried Amon again and boost but missed. The 3rd shot I put into the Jack. The whole time the electro leaping from these attacks were killing off the choir and anyone close by. The storm tower shot the black reckoner and the lightning bounce off killing an exemplar. The Storm blades called an assault on Amon and the Allegiant.  Lucky for me I had Deadeye and hit the Aliegant but alas not one of the shots on Amon hit. So the gun mages moved up and shot the Black Reckoner pushing it back twice and the others took shots at the Exemplars only killing 1 more.

Chad Turn 3. The top Vassal moved up and gave the Reckoner a free shot at the SS. then the Reckoner moved up and Shot it again killing it. The Knights exemplar charged into the Mechanics and Gunmages and managed to kill the main Mechanic. Then Amon activated an charged the Stormknights and did a Thresher attack killing 5 and bought another attack killing the 6th. Luckily the Officer past his command check. The 2nd Reckoner moved forward. And the 2nd Vassal ran into btb with the Stormclad.

My Turn 3. I assigned 3 focus to the Stormclad. Haley activated and cast TA on the Stormclad. Arlan came up and gave the Stormclad immunity to free strikes. Then the Stormclad activated and walked over to Amon and it took 3 attacks but he did die.

It was a very good Sunday game. I do feel that Amon against Haley is a really unfair matchup and have promised Chad a rematch where he can use Sevvy.

Hope you enjoyed.

So until next time......

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

What have I been up to......

So I have not put a post together in over 3 months. Wow what a slacker I am.

But I have not died. I have been super busy.

First month was with World of Warcraft the other months with trying to get lists together for our Con/Tournament season.

So last i wrote that i was going to Out Come the Wolves, Wow what a waist I just could not get my mind right for the entire event. i ended up 5th but man it was just silly the mistakes I made.

Next was Warcon and this just killed me a bit on the inside. I needed a 6 on three dice to kill the enemy 'lock and I rolled a 1,1,3. I nearly cried. So I came 3rd instead of 1st.

Next up was Saturday Show Down. Another one where my head was not in it. Opponent wanted to Purge Haley and I told him I had him so he stopped and asked why I explained Vortex and he did a take back and proceeded to kill he with Manifest destiny rather. I should have said no to him but I am too soft, or so my wife says.

I flew down to Cape Town in June and Ran a Steam Roller event and had a demo day on the Sunday. The guys really enjoyed it and are amp'ed for more. Now the beach bums need to get a PG and run their own events.

ICON was our last event and I decided to rather do demos the entire weekend. Man was it AWESOME! From the Friday till the Sunday that Table was busy. We had so much response that I am really trying to get some figures together to try entice Jen to send over some peeps so that we can run something at rAge this year.

Promise I will post more often, So until next time........

Friday, April 29, 2011

Calm before the Storm.

So tomorrow is Out Comes the Wolves and man am I exited I have not played in a propper Steamroller event since September last year. I have organised 2 tournaments during my competitive dry spell but I am itching to play, hopefully I can get myself back into the top 5 on the national rankings (Currently 6th).....well I can hope.

SO in the past week I have been painting up my Gun Mages + UA and my Rangers so that I can field two fully painted lists that have completely different play styles.

My Lists are:

Lord Commander Stryker
* Ol' Rowdy
* Squire

Field Mechaniks (Leader and 3 Grunts)

Stormblade Infantry (Leader and 5 Grunts)
* Stormblade Infantry Officer & Standard
* * Stormclad

Journeyman Warcaster
* Charger

Professor Victor Pendrake

Stormsmith Stormcaller

Captain Allister Caine
* Ironclad
* Squire

Arcane Tempest Gun Mages (Leader and 5 Grunts)
* Arcane Tempest Gun Mage Officer
* * Hunter
* * Hunter


Captain Arlan Strangewayes

Eiryss, Angel of Retribution

Reinholdt, Gobber Speculator

So as you can see I have gone for Assassination casters. Lets just hope I can use them correctly.

Wish Me Luck!!!!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

New Khador 'Caster and his 'Jack.

So yesterday I see a thread in the PP general forums that looks interesting and because my proxy at work does not allow me to go to the PP main site I decided to give the thread a look see hoping that someone had linked the image in a format that I could see it.

Well what a surprise I got when I saw all the negative remarks about the model. Even some well known Interwebz celebs had some bad words about the model. So I kept on scrolling down hoping for a pic I could see but alas there was nothing.

So I got home last night and after reading all the remarks about the model having a awful weapon and too many pouches, I thought this guy was going to be hideous. So I opened my web browser and waited for it to load flicking back and forth from other pages (We don't have super fast ADSL here where I stay).

"Khador’s Iron Wolf has earned a reputation as a peerless master of heavy armor on the battlefield, a war hero beloved by his men and respected even by the enemies of the Motherland. He is famous for his ability to move large numbers of warjacks at an unprecedented pace to arrive where the enemy least expects him. Where Harkevich and his iron army stride, the enemy finds itself hounded, outmaneuvered, cornered, and eventually obliterated by overwhelming firepower."
 Finally a pic pops up and my first thought was "What are they complaining about, look at the uber-steampunk mace that he rev's up to kill people with". I can see where people are saying it looks like a pirate peg leg but damn that made me laugh thinking about him vs broadside......beaten to death with your own leg would take on a new meaning. And for the remarks about the model being to busy? Well I think he is 100% in line with everyone else, I was expect bags/pouches on every open space but when I hit the rotate button on the site I didn't feel that the model was over done. In fact I really like the Bedroll on his back. To me he looks like the kind of man who does not see the cities of Khador much and is always on the move. If his story is pointing in this direction then i think this sculpt is spot on.

“Black Ivan is the prized companion of Kommander Harkevich, a warcaster renowned for his ingenuity on the battlefield. Armed with a bombard and an industrial wrecking claw, Black Ivan is an unparalleled instrument of war that excels at both long-range bombardment and the brutal press of melee.”
So this morning I get to work and again I see a new thread on "Black Ivan" and I was like "who is this new solo?". So i open the thread and the about picture pops up. Now I'm not a big fan of the new plastic 'Jacks and the character kits but I must say that this boetie looks awesome. I haven't had a chance to look at the 360 view but I really like his "Industrial Wrecking Claw" lets hope this thing doesn't have armor piercing or we will have a some whiny faction forums out there. I already have a great respect for the Destroyer and its Bombard and normal Axe now it has even more CC potential so I'll have to watch out.

I really like both these models and after the forum hate that I saw yesterday I was expecting a lump of plastic/metal. I just think people now adays are just finding any old thing to moan about.

Glad I'm not one to follow the masses and shout out DOOM!

Well until next time.........

Thursday, March 31, 2011

So the wait is nearly over. Time for WAR!

So I have not played in a tournament since last year and man am I itching to play in a official event.

The South African calendar has given me a bit of time to get my 35pt lists 100% painted. But I have a month left to get as much as I can done before the Tournaments really start otherwise I'll have to buy some people some drinks.

At the end of next month we have Out Come the Wolves held at Warfair in Bedfordview which should be a standard one day 35pt Steam roller event. A week later we have UPCON in Pretoria that is a 2 day event. The PG running this event is trying to spice it up a bit by making some cool scenarios, so I'm not sure on the Points cost  or scenarios. Two weeks after UPCON we have WARCON that will also be a 2 day event but should be a normal 35pt SR. Three weeks after that I will be running Armageddon, I'm torn between running a 35pt Highlander or a 50 pt Vanilla steam roller. We will have to see.

From there on out we have at least one event a month excluding ICON, but I will be doing Demo's during ICON as this is the only real event a year where we get non gamers at a con.

Its going to be one busy winter but at least the blog will see some action with pics and updates.

I really hope that we can organise something for rAge this year. The problem that we face is that the stands are expensive and we need a decent sized stand if we want to put some demo tables up and still have space for some stock.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

A week of Painting!

Well actually it was only 4 days 1 of which my Daughter was at home because we are in school holidays.

But I managed to get some painting done and now have 2 competitive 35pt lists. I tried them out on Saturday at Warfair (LGC) and won both games with each list.

The lists are eStryker and pNemo, I played against pButcher and Buldar respectively. The pButcher game ended with eStryker charging the Butcher and Overloaded for 8 Str but took 11 damage. The Buldar game came down to Thunderhead needing a 13 to kill and I rolled a 13. Was a tense game that I enjoyed a lot.

Well time for some pics.

All the models together.
eEiryss and eCaine
Backs of eEiryss and eCaine 
eStryker Front
eStryker Left
eStryker Right
Mechanic and Crew
Ol' Rowdy
Back Ol' Rowdy
So our next Tournament is April the 30th (Out come the wolves) so I will take these two lists to that event. I have my Rangers and ATGM unit + UA that I would like to have done before the 7-8 May (UPCON) as I would like to take a eCaine list to this one.

UPCON sounds like it is going to be a awesome event with all three gaming systems covered and all other hobby types represented.

Until next time......

Monday, February 7, 2011

Smackdown 2011/02/05

 Wow its a lot of work running an event by yourself.

I took the Friday off to sort out the Snacks that would be on sale and fetch the trophies and pick up the tables and transport them to the scout hall. But alas nothing ever goes the way you want it to on your day off. I had to work a couple of hours in the middle of the day throwing everything off. In the end I got my tables it the hall and had everything ready for Saturday morning.

Saturday morning I got up nice and early and set off to the scout hall. Set up the tables (because the scouts meet on Friday nights) and got the coffee mugs and all the "for sale" stuff sorted, you know gamers need Coffee before anything else. First person to arrive was Hannes who I ordered to rush home and get the packets of ice out the deep freeze. Poor dude got lost and took him about 30min to do , what should have been, a 5 minute trip.

So all the people started to arrive around 8:30 and we had 15 players by 9. That was 3 less than were registered. So we started.

The day ran smoothly with us running 15min late. Everyone looked to enjoy themselves and I had fun running the event as usual. Last year we only had 8 people this year we had 15 players and a couple of people come in and see what was going on. So lets hope that next year we have 28+ players at Smackdown.

Sean, Chad and Eli with their trophies. Golden Warhog, Silver Mauler and The Bronze Ironclad.

Chad also won the Destroyer award for the best Attrition score, he did tie with Evan on 93 point but had a better Survival score so got to take two trophies home.

1 | Sean Martens        | Warzone        |  Protectorate of Menoth
2 | Chad Parsons        | Dragons Den   | Legion of Everblight
3 | Eli Golovey            | 3+                  |Cryx
4 | Evan Hurwitz         | Warzone         | Cryx
5 | Hannes Wiese       | Dragons Den   | Khador
6 | Mike Gao             | Warzone         | Trollbloods
7 | Ryan Keyzer         | Warzone         | Retribution of Scyrah
8 | Ryan Kidson         | 3+                  | Cryx
9 | Ricky Veale          | 3+                  | Cygnar
10| Ryan Vonk          | 3+                  | Cryx
11| Martin Nortman   | Dragons Den  | Cygnar
12| Dewan Demmer   | Warzone        | Mercenaries
13| Charles Krynauw | 3+                  | Protectorate of Menoth
14| Robert Martens    | Warzone        | Khador
15| Nuno Afonso        | Johannesburg | Mercenaries

Nuno, our wooden spoon winner. Eating some Fritto's while getting a buy in the final round.

Chad getting ready for his round 3 game against Sean Martens. 

Ryan Keyser (PG_TotalGee) not sure what he was trying to achieve. Winner from last years event.

One of our locals, Martin, Trying to understand that those blue things on the board are not more Cygnar but actually elves.

Sean Martens in the finals with his game face on. For a man who has played in 2 tournaments with his Menoth and 4 WM/H tournaments in total I say he did very well.

Eli playing a fairly decent Dene list, if there is such a thing, getting ready to face off against Sean.

Play of the day goes to Sean who managed to set Dene alight on turn 1 even when she was completely hidden behind a building. He missed a Mechanithrall of to the left of her and it scattered onto her....she burnt for the rest of the game (5 Turns). Must have been awful rolls from Sean that she didn't die sooner.

 Chad getting his game on with pThaggy for round 4, needs to win to get 2nd or 3rd.

Mike getting ready with eDoomy and Mulg, the 2 hordes players at Smackdown facing off against each other.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Happy New Year and all that!

Thought I would get a post in before my year really starts.

2011 is off to a good start.

I got a mail from Jen last week Sunday telling me that my press ganger status has been approved. What does that mean? Well....smackdown will be my first event as a PG.

So far I have 17 people signed up for my Smackdown tournament (5th Feb). I have made trophies for the event. The Golden Warhog, Silver Mauler and the Bronze Ironclad. I also have a Trophy for the person who destroys the most points during the tourney.

I just need to find more tables because I only have 5 warmachine and 1 warhammer table. Our old club member says he has a couple of tables that he is willing to donate to us so I will have to go around and see what we can salvage.

I also received my Battlefoam Bag. Man am I impressed it is a stunning bag. Our local guy is bring ing in so Sabol bags and I think I will get one for starter boxes.

So getting ready for this weekend and have taken Friday off so I can sort all this out.

Will be taking pics this weekend and will update next week on what happened.