Monday, July 16, 2012

I'm still playing.....

I know it has been 9 months and it seems like nothing has happened ( and nothing has on here) but I have been rather "busy". In the past couple of months I have been retrenched from my job that I was working at for 14 days short of 5 years and We (my little family of 5) have decided to try immigrate to the UK. So we have spent all our money on Visa's and should know if our applications were successful in the next week or so.

As for Warmachine, I have been playing every Thursday at our club (my Garage) and I have run all 3 Leagues and 4 Tournaments so far this year. Sadly I am the only "active" PG in our area and so I have to do all the organising etc. Not complaining just explaining why I'm not playing in events.

This past weekend was ICON 2012 and I attended but sadly my luck was somewhere else, I wallked away with 2/3 win/loss. I will do a bit more detailed write up later this evening with how it all went down.

until next time..... 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Storm Strider 1

So I finally got around to painting my Storm Strider over the weeked. After last weeks performance in the 3 games I ran him in I decided he deserved some paint, along with Harlan Versh who took out eGaspy with 3 well placed shots.

Front pic of SS.
Side view of SS.

Storm Strider next to a Storm Smith.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

....long over Due!

So Chad and I decided to get a Sunday game in and I had my camera ready.

I was meant to take Constance but decided to use my Storm Strider in the NQ eHaley Tier list.

Chads list:High Allegiant Amon Ad-Raza
* Reckoner
* Reckoner
* Hierophant
Choir of Menoth (Leader and 3 Grunts)
Idrian Skirmishers (Leader and 5 Grunts)
* Idrian Skirmishers Chieftain & Guide
Knights Exemplar (Leader and 5 Grunts)
Allegiant of the Order of the Fist
The Wrack (3 wracks)
Vassal of Menoth
Vassal of Menoth
My list:
Major Victoria Haley

* Stormclad
Arcane Tempest Gun Mages (Leader and 5 Grunts)
Field Mechaniks (Leader and 3 Grunts)
Storm Tower
Stormblade Infantry (Leader and 5 Grunts)
* Stormblade Infantry Officer & Standard
Storm Strider (Had advance move for tier 1)Captain Arlan Strangewayes
Stormsmith Stormcaller
Stormsmith Stormcaller (Free for tier 2)

 So Terrain was set up with us rolling for the water and it was shallow. With the roll off to see who would decide sides Chad took the far side with the water.

 Chad set up his force very close together with his Jack flanking his caster and the Idrians right in front of his force. I put my SS (Storm Strider) in the middle of the board not know where he would go and squeezed the Stormknights to the left and Gunmages to the right, knowing that they can protect the flank if something silly was to happen. The Idrian's called Prey on the Stormknights. And the SS took its advance move directly up the board.

Chads turn 1. He runs the Exemplars, Idrians, Reckoners. Hierophant gave Amon "Harmonious Exaltation". Amon cast Synergy on himself and charged the SS. The choir moved up and gave the Jack behind the wall some love so that he could not be shot at.

My turn 1. I activate Haley first and cast Deadeye and Temporal Acceleration on the SS and moved it two inches forward with Telekinesis. she then cast Telekinesis on herself and called her Feat catching everyone except the Hierophant and the Choir. The SS moved up and tried to use its Deadeye shot on Amon but missed so I put the other two into the Idrians and left the Guide alive but he failed his command check and was fleeing. Everyone else moved up with the Gunmages running in to cover any LOS the Reckoners would have to Haley.

Chads turn 2 (Known as Kelvin's Menoth turn). I thought that models outside the feat bubble could choose to activate before or after I started feat effected models. So Chad activated the Choir and gave the Jacks +2 to hit and damage rolls. And the Hierophant used "Harmonious Exaltation" again on Amon. Exemplars moved towards the SS. Idrian Rallied. The Allegiant went into shifting sand stance. First Vassal did ancillary attack on the one reckoner who shot the SS. 2nd Vassal did the same to the other Reckoner. The Amon activated and cast Convection on a Stormblade, killing him and giving one Reckoner an extra Focus. Both Reckoners shot at the SS. Leaving it on 4 hp and on fire.

 My Turn 2 . I roll to see if the fire goes out on the SS and it didn't. So Chad rolled damage and a lucky roll (10+) would have killed it but he did not even roll past the armor. The Mechanic and his crew moved up and repaired the SS for 6 points. The Stormsmiths both moved up and disrupted both Jack just in case he wanted to call his feat. Haley activated and cast TA on the SS and Deadeye on the SS and Stormblades. The SS shot at Amon Boosting to hit and got it and boosted damage. Next shot I tried Amon again and boost but missed. The 3rd shot I put into the Jack. The whole time the electro leaping from these attacks were killing off the choir and anyone close by. The storm tower shot the black reckoner and the lightning bounce off killing an exemplar. The Storm blades called an assault on Amon and the Allegiant.  Lucky for me I had Deadeye and hit the Aliegant but alas not one of the shots on Amon hit. So the gun mages moved up and shot the Black Reckoner pushing it back twice and the others took shots at the Exemplars only killing 1 more.

Chad Turn 3. The top Vassal moved up and gave the Reckoner a free shot at the SS. then the Reckoner moved up and Shot it again killing it. The Knights exemplar charged into the Mechanics and Gunmages and managed to kill the main Mechanic. Then Amon activated an charged the Stormknights and did a Thresher attack killing 5 and bought another attack killing the 6th. Luckily the Officer past his command check. The 2nd Reckoner moved forward. And the 2nd Vassal ran into btb with the Stormclad.

My Turn 3. I assigned 3 focus to the Stormclad. Haley activated and cast TA on the Stormclad. Arlan came up and gave the Stormclad immunity to free strikes. Then the Stormclad activated and walked over to Amon and it took 3 attacks but he did die.

It was a very good Sunday game. I do feel that Amon against Haley is a really unfair matchup and have promised Chad a rematch where he can use Sevvy.

Hope you enjoyed.

So until next time......

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

What have I been up to......

So I have not put a post together in over 3 months. Wow what a slacker I am.

But I have not died. I have been super busy.

First month was with World of Warcraft the other months with trying to get lists together for our Con/Tournament season.

So last i wrote that i was going to Out Come the Wolves, Wow what a waist I just could not get my mind right for the entire event. i ended up 5th but man it was just silly the mistakes I made.

Next was Warcon and this just killed me a bit on the inside. I needed a 6 on three dice to kill the enemy 'lock and I rolled a 1,1,3. I nearly cried. So I came 3rd instead of 1st.

Next up was Saturday Show Down. Another one where my head was not in it. Opponent wanted to Purge Haley and I told him I had him so he stopped and asked why I explained Vortex and he did a take back and proceeded to kill he with Manifest destiny rather. I should have said no to him but I am too soft, or so my wife says.

I flew down to Cape Town in June and Ran a Steam Roller event and had a demo day on the Sunday. The guys really enjoyed it and are amp'ed for more. Now the beach bums need to get a PG and run their own events.

ICON was our last event and I decided to rather do demos the entire weekend. Man was it AWESOME! From the Friday till the Sunday that Table was busy. We had so much response that I am really trying to get some figures together to try entice Jen to send over some peeps so that we can run something at rAge this year.

Promise I will post more often, So until next time........

Friday, April 29, 2011

Calm before the Storm.

So tomorrow is Out Comes the Wolves and man am I exited I have not played in a propper Steamroller event since September last year. I have organised 2 tournaments during my competitive dry spell but I am itching to play, hopefully I can get myself back into the top 5 on the national rankings (Currently 6th).....well I can hope.

SO in the past week I have been painting up my Gun Mages + UA and my Rangers so that I can field two fully painted lists that have completely different play styles.

My Lists are:

Lord Commander Stryker
* Ol' Rowdy
* Squire

Field Mechaniks (Leader and 3 Grunts)

Stormblade Infantry (Leader and 5 Grunts)
* Stormblade Infantry Officer & Standard
* * Stormclad

Journeyman Warcaster
* Charger

Professor Victor Pendrake

Stormsmith Stormcaller

Captain Allister Caine
* Ironclad
* Squire

Arcane Tempest Gun Mages (Leader and 5 Grunts)
* Arcane Tempest Gun Mage Officer
* * Hunter
* * Hunter


Captain Arlan Strangewayes

Eiryss, Angel of Retribution

Reinholdt, Gobber Speculator

So as you can see I have gone for Assassination casters. Lets just hope I can use them correctly.

Wish Me Luck!!!!!