Monday, March 1, 2010

Feb comes to a close.

So February has come to a end and I was able to completely paint up my 15pts for March. I must say this is a major achievement for me. I have had my Cygnar since 2004 and I have only really started painting now.

I made a decision over the weekend that I will be selling my Tomb Kings. I have them sitting in the garage in my carry case collecting dust. I have sort of given up on GW, they write a very solid rules system but break it with their silly Army books. I do not have much time to waist and so I'll stick to the more customer friendly Privateer Press.

So I played a 15 point game against trolls last night and all I can say is multiple wound ARM 16+ models are a real pain.

He had:
Champion Hero
3x Champions

I had my normal list.

It was a real meat grinder and we were both rolling awful. In the end it was Coleman staring down Madrak and the Hero.

My Charger worked very hard. He took out all the Champions and even received a charge from the Hero only to hold him up until the end of the game. After the game my opponent tried to convince me that Coleman was a bit too strong in that he took down 1 1/2 Axer's by himself. I said the Madrak could do the same if he needed to and it was just me using my focus wisely.

So what is install for March:
I am holding a Steam Roller event on the 12th call Smackdown '10. It will be using the steam roller format but with 35pt lists. We will do 50pts next year when people are more vet at this.
I have ordered a Mauler and some Shredders and will be buying some wood to make trophies. Gold Mauler, Bronze and Silver Shredders. I did buy a Ironclad (To go with the Mauler) and a Agonizer for Last place but I want them for myself rather.

I have Pledged to paint:
Squire (Which i did while watching Blade Trinity Last night, Thank you Army hero)
Stormblades + UA
And something special for the guys at the club.

Lucky for me I have my Army Painter so it should not take me forever to finish the models its just finding the time to sit and paint in the first place. I will try to get more games in this month by traveling to the other, more lively, clubs.

We are also playing in our 2nd Paintball league this wish us luck.

So until next time.....