Monday, February 7, 2011

Smackdown 2011/02/05

 Wow its a lot of work running an event by yourself.

I took the Friday off to sort out the Snacks that would be on sale and fetch the trophies and pick up the tables and transport them to the scout hall. But alas nothing ever goes the way you want it to on your day off. I had to work a couple of hours in the middle of the day throwing everything off. In the end I got my tables it the hall and had everything ready for Saturday morning.

Saturday morning I got up nice and early and set off to the scout hall. Set up the tables (because the scouts meet on Friday nights) and got the coffee mugs and all the "for sale" stuff sorted, you know gamers need Coffee before anything else. First person to arrive was Hannes who I ordered to rush home and get the packets of ice out the deep freeze. Poor dude got lost and took him about 30min to do , what should have been, a 5 minute trip.

So all the people started to arrive around 8:30 and we had 15 players by 9. That was 3 less than were registered. So we started.

The day ran smoothly with us running 15min late. Everyone looked to enjoy themselves and I had fun running the event as usual. Last year we only had 8 people this year we had 15 players and a couple of people come in and see what was going on. So lets hope that next year we have 28+ players at Smackdown.

Sean, Chad and Eli with their trophies. Golden Warhog, Silver Mauler and The Bronze Ironclad.

Chad also won the Destroyer award for the best Attrition score, he did tie with Evan on 93 point but had a better Survival score so got to take two trophies home.

1 | Sean Martens        | Warzone        |  Protectorate of Menoth
2 | Chad Parsons        | Dragons Den   | Legion of Everblight
3 | Eli Golovey            | 3+                  |Cryx
4 | Evan Hurwitz         | Warzone         | Cryx
5 | Hannes Wiese       | Dragons Den   | Khador
6 | Mike Gao             | Warzone         | Trollbloods
7 | Ryan Keyzer         | Warzone         | Retribution of Scyrah
8 | Ryan Kidson         | 3+                  | Cryx
9 | Ricky Veale          | 3+                  | Cygnar
10| Ryan Vonk          | 3+                  | Cryx
11| Martin Nortman   | Dragons Den  | Cygnar
12| Dewan Demmer   | Warzone        | Mercenaries
13| Charles Krynauw | 3+                  | Protectorate of Menoth
14| Robert Martens    | Warzone        | Khador
15| Nuno Afonso        | Johannesburg | Mercenaries

Nuno, our wooden spoon winner. Eating some Fritto's while getting a buy in the final round.

Chad getting ready for his round 3 game against Sean Martens. 

Ryan Keyser (PG_TotalGee) not sure what he was trying to achieve. Winner from last years event.

One of our locals, Martin, Trying to understand that those blue things on the board are not more Cygnar but actually elves.

Sean Martens in the finals with his game face on. For a man who has played in 2 tournaments with his Menoth and 4 WM/H tournaments in total I say he did very well.

Eli playing a fairly decent Dene list, if there is such a thing, getting ready to face off against Sean.

Play of the day goes to Sean who managed to set Dene alight on turn 1 even when she was completely hidden behind a building. He missed a Mechanithrall of to the left of her and it scattered onto her....she burnt for the rest of the game (5 Turns). Must have been awful rolls from Sean that she didn't die sooner.

 Chad getting his game on with pThaggy for round 4, needs to win to get 2nd or 3rd.

Mike getting ready with eDoomy and Mulg, the 2 hordes players at Smackdown facing off against each other.

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