Thursday, February 3, 2011

Happy New Year and all that!

Thought I would get a post in before my year really starts.

2011 is off to a good start.

I got a mail from Jen last week Sunday telling me that my press ganger status has been approved. What does that mean? Well....smackdown will be my first event as a PG.

So far I have 17 people signed up for my Smackdown tournament (5th Feb). I have made trophies for the event. The Golden Warhog, Silver Mauler and the Bronze Ironclad. I also have a Trophy for the person who destroys the most points during the tourney.

I just need to find more tables because I only have 5 warmachine and 1 warhammer table. Our old club member says he has a couple of tables that he is willing to donate to us so I will have to go around and see what we can salvage.

I also received my Battlefoam Bag. Man am I impressed it is a stunning bag. Our local guy is bring ing in so Sabol bags and I think I will get one for starter boxes.

So getting ready for this weekend and have taken Friday off so I can sort all this out.

Will be taking pics this weekend and will update next week on what happened.

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