Sunday, March 27, 2011

A week of Painting!

Well actually it was only 4 days 1 of which my Daughter was at home because we are in school holidays.

But I managed to get some painting done and now have 2 competitive 35pt lists. I tried them out on Saturday at Warfair (LGC) and won both games with each list.

The lists are eStryker and pNemo, I played against pButcher and Buldar respectively. The pButcher game ended with eStryker charging the Butcher and Overloaded for 8 Str but took 11 damage. The Buldar game came down to Thunderhead needing a 13 to kill and I rolled a 13. Was a tense game that I enjoyed a lot.

Well time for some pics.

All the models together.
eEiryss and eCaine
Backs of eEiryss and eCaine 
eStryker Front
eStryker Left
eStryker Right
Mechanic and Crew
Ol' Rowdy
Back Ol' Rowdy
So our next Tournament is April the 30th (Out come the wolves) so I will take these two lists to that event. I have my Rangers and ATGM unit + UA that I would like to have done before the 7-8 May (UPCON) as I would like to take a eCaine list to this one.

UPCON sounds like it is going to be a awesome event with all three gaming systems covered and all other hobby types represented.

Until next time......

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