Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Doubles "test" game.

Last week I was testing out a doubles scenario for a tournament I want to run next year.

I was suppose to team up with Trollbloods vs. Legion of Everblight and Cygnar.

Alas the Trollblood player was not able to make it so I had to settle with Pirates as my partners.

I took a Coleman Stryker list as he has Arcane Shield (+3 Arm), Blur (+3 Def against RNG + Magic), Snipe (+4 RNG) which can all be cast on Friendly models not just Friendly Faction.

My ally brought Shae the Pirate Man-Princess and his little gun, and yes the cannon is the best artillery piece in the game hands down.

We played that both players went simulatiously but only one player could active at a time. I am not sure if I like the way it is done in the book for a tournament as I think this could take to long. But we will try it out in the weeks that follow.

The scenario we played was Close Quarters, 2x 8 inch circles one on either side of the board and you have to capture the circle in your opponents half.

We played on a 4ftx4ft table with 35pt list to see if it would be enough space. I think there was enough but did not ask the guys afterwards how they felt.

SO to the game.

Table had 5 pieces of terrain, and nice forrest in the middle and hill in the one deployment zone, a bunch of rocks in another, a swamp/pond on the right and a wall to the left but to the back.

C+M got first turn and deployed their armies on the left side of the board. Chad had one of every Carni variant, a Seraph and 2 shepherds. Martin had 2x Hunters, Arlan Strangeways, Squire, Journeyman, defender,ironclad, charger and 2 storm smiths. I am not sure what they were attempting

We deployed with Ivor taking up the left flank and myself covering their score circle to the right.
I had Coleman, Ol' Rowdy, Squire, Reinholt, Stormblades +ua +stormclad, Arlan Strangeways, Black 13, Storm tower and a Journeyman, Ivor had Cannon, Mangler, Dirty Meg + freebooter, Lady Ainia and Master Holt, Hawk, the bosun, Doc, Rockbottom and a full unit of Seadogs with master Walls.

I deployed the Tower and Storm everything on the right close to the objective point. The B13 on the far left and everything else in the middle. We put the cannon in the middle and his army spread out across the board. The Freebooter having Amphibious deployed by the water, because he didn't care :) .

First Turn they move up and put spiney growth on everything. Also puts Arcane shield on the Ravagor (Big Carni with Range) could not do anything else.

We moved the sea dogs out of the cannons way but did not need to as we were shooting at bigger based models, the seadogs shot at the Ravagor but at Arm 21 did nothing. The Cannon shot the scythean and slammed it back into the charger and thagrosh. The Journeyman put AS (Arcan Shield) on the freebooter. B13 moved up and shot the one stormsmith off the board (First blood was ours) and put the 4inch pow 12 cloud effect into play in front of his army. moved everything else up to get into position.

2nd Turn Chad shoots bunched up sea dogs and kills most of them and puts 3 on fire. Lucky for us Hawk made the fearless. The Corrosion cloud effect remained in play. Martins hunter moved up and took 5 damage from the pow 12 cloud and for all his effort missed the freebooter. The 2nd hunter managed to move up and hit but with AS it was -6 to his roll and I think he did 4 damage. Chad moved his beasts into the woods so that he could move to the objective next turn and staying out of site of the cannon.

We then realised that Shaes feat says all friendly models. and he has Coup de main which effects all friendly models....Mwahahaha. That is a 3" move for his feat and pathfinder + 2" extra movement and charge for free because of Coup De Main this gives every freindly model +5 movement. SO we took liberties and moved everything up. I charged the stormclad into the Ravagor (Because he had As and not Spiney Growth which could hurt the Jack) did dismal damage because of thaggy's -2Str and my Awesome dice rolls. The stormblades moved in and engaged the Scytheon but again at P+S 13 with no charge did minimal damage.
Arlan moved onto their circle. I wasn't watching Ivor to muct but nearly everything of his ran across the board and engaged Martins models. Hawk even took out Martins Journeyman, We should have done this first because the Ravagor would have been arm18 instead of 21 so I could have done more damage. the Cannon shot the seraph pushing it away from the object leaving the charger the only contesting model. The Seadogs managed to take the Seraph out afterwards. Coleman charged the Charger and because he had storm rager on him from Shae (+2 to hit and damage) e waisted the little guy. I then put AS on myself and called my feat (+5 Arm, friendly faction in CTRL) putting Coleman on Arm 26 (Base 15 + 5 Feat + 3AS + 3 Focus) + Def 18 because Ol' Rowdy came running into BTB. 1 VP to us

Turn 3 I was not watching the other side of the board as I was focused on what Chad was going to inflict on my guys. First off he double handed throws my Stormclad at coleman, missing and scattering back on to the Stormblades, Because of the feat they were arm 20 so none died but knocked 3 down. Thaggy moved in and ash clouded 2 of them and killed 3 in total. see a opening the Ravagor charged at Arlan on their objective but suffered a free strike from the last standing stormblade. With -5 to my roll I still managed 7 damage and took out body and spirit (Chad did not see this before he charged) so the ravagor made both attacks needing 6 on 1 dice and failed both...Arlan was sweating. I noticed that hawk was dead and Ivor Jacks were beaten badly. I also noticed that martin had moved a hunter into the control circle. Chad charge the Scythean into the Bosun who had help coleman kill the charger last turn. Bosun died and Scythean hit out at a sea dog killing him as well. then he took a swing at coleman boosting to hit and damage and inflicting 2 damage. I was disgusted. Chad moved in a shepherd to also help contest.

Our turn and we had to get the Scythean, Shepherd and Hunter away from our objective so we could win. I decided to let all upkeeps drop and pulled a focus from the squire gave 3 to Ol' Rowdy and started the turn. Basically read it like this no one else could make it to the objective in time to help. So rockbottom gave a coin to the cannon crew for +2 Ranged attack and damage rolls. They then slammed the hunter back, but not far enough, and killed the last sea dogs in the process. Lady Aiyana moved and cast Kiss of Lyliss (+2 to damage on the model) on the Scythean. Maser Holt shot at him and inflict 5 pts of damage. Ol' Rowdy moved into combat with the Hunter and Scytean and killed the hunter and beat into the Scythean Leaving him with 1 black left. Coleman moved in and finished the job. Now we had a Shepard that only two models could get to the Journeyman (Rat4) and Shae (Rat6) so the journeyman tried first and missed (Dammit) then I remembered Reinholt and moved him to Shea for a reload. Shea moved up and shot, hitting the Shepard and killing her. 2 VP to us. Game.

What I learnt. Doubles is actually much better I think because it is not all about caster kill. Especially with us as we only had 1 Jack on each caster so it would be a loss of only 2 models, still making us semi effective. Also Cygnar and Mercs are very well suited to playing together as we both have quite a few Friendly spells and not Friendly faction.

I really enjoyed it and the mission was a nice one for doubles games as you need to attack and defend which leads to awesome team work.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Stryker and 'ol Rowdy.

So the other night I faced off against a Sorcha list that I lost against at our Nationals.

I have never owned 'ol Rowdy before and decided to borrow a friends and see how he works with eStryker.

After this last game I now understand why they feature together in more than one picture.

I had a fun game waiting for someone to charge me but alas he never did the Def18 really made him think twice. The moving up together is quite tricky, trying to keep Coleman behind Rowdy all game.
Coleman trying to stay behind 'Ol Rowdy

Next time I play I will just leave him in front of Rowdy as his Def18 should save him from most slam/charge attacks and if they hit Coleman and not Rowdy then Rowdy can walk in and hit them down. Also thought of a tactic that I charge eColeman into combat and beat everyone down and call his feat. Then get Rowdy to charge stryker and Tremor knocking everyone except himself and stryker down. Now they get to move and make one attack on the knocked down models....auto hit can can boost. Awesome.

Tonight we will testing out the doubles format that I want to use at one of my tournaments next year. Will be Cygnar/Trolls vs. Cygnar/Legion. Will take pics and put it up here.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Man, I need a new case.

So I really need a new case to transport my Cygnar in because the small hard GW case that I currently use is getting a bit too small. So I am looking at either a Sabol or Battle Foam Bag for Christmas.

I really like the look of them both.

Sabol Army Transport

Battle Foam PP bag.

The Sabol bag is half the price of the Battlefoam but I have seen a few reviews saying that the strap seems to give at the most opportune times. I suppose the price will leave me with $70 to buy new straps but do I really want to worry about that. Also the Battle Foam comes with a very nice front pouch with the card sleeve holder (almost like a ring binder) and space for all my niche items that we all seem to have and use.

I will have to see what my christmas bonus looks like and hopefully I'll get myself a bag to Kelvin from Kelvin.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Food Machine. Gauteng - South Africa (Results)

So we had our Local Foodmachine on the 6th.

I had my doubts about this event as we only had 5 registered players until 3 days before the event. I started to beg and plead for participants. On Friday afternoon we had 16 registered players.

Day arrived and I was late thanks to my wife deciding to come sit with me for the day (Mistake on her part) and needing to drop my spawn off at my folks who were driving up to my Ouma's (Grandmother) 90th.

Get to the event and I have 10 players already waiting. Because Total Gee was suppose to be running the event with me i thought he would be at the event already and all I would have to do is set up my PC with our local home grown TO program and input the names. Alas it was not to be TG was not to be found and the tables needed to be set up. With the venue not being my local I was not sure what I could use and what I couldn't. Lucky for me the club members are awesome guys and we had the tables set up in no time.

At 9:00 I get a call from TG that he had slept through his alarm, so I was on my ace where I was only ment to assist.

Set up all the players and we had 10 at the start of the event. Matched them all up and off we went.

I must say that we had some very liberal players who used up most of their cans in the first game. Was awesome to watch as some guys would pay up to 8 cans (of food) to get the roll that they wanted only to have their opponent pay a single can to have them re-roll.

We had at late entry and TG arrived, in a very hung over state, so I paired them off. so that we would have even numbers.

We had 4 awesome rounds of gaming with TG (Ryan, Retribution) vs. Ronald (Legion) squaring off in the final. Man was it epic TG had a 32 can re-roll which means he had 6 re-rolls in a single turn. Came down to the wire and with dice down called Ronald walked away with the Gold Coin.

Total Gee did manage to spend the most cans for the day with a total of 151 Cans being brought to the club on Sunday afternoon.

Tins of food Raised: 491

Player standings:
1) Ronald - Legion of Everblight
2) Marco - Cryx
3) Ryan - Retribution of Scryh
4) Sean - Cryx
5) Nuno - Mercs
6) Eli - Trollbloods
7) Robert - Protectorate of Menoth
8 ) Dewan - Mercs
9) Mike - Trollbloods (Only arrived in round 3, won both games)
10) Evan - Cryx
11) Warren - Legion of everblight
12) Victor - Khador
13) Martin - Cygnar
14) Donovan - Trollbloods (Played 1 Game, thnx for the cans)

Awesome event and looking at this I think I should try get my Breast Cancer Brawl off the floor. I tink next year I'll run it in the middle of the year so as not to clash with the next Foodmachine.