So here he is my Ironclad, painted it back in 2004 in 2 nights after reading the article on the Brushthralls website on painting Cygnar in 7 days.....Well I got him done in two so I should get the rest of the Cygnar battle box done in the remaining 5, lol! I am hoping to get my new models in the next week from my LGS (a box of long gunners, a box of trenchers and a GMCA), so I think i should complete the models I have otherwise I'll sit with the same situation that I had with my Tomb Kings, had so many models I never knew where to start.
Got my Card yesterday so now I can purchase over the Internet again. Hello E-bay, its been 3 years since I left the UK and my Internet purchasing rights...I have really missed the convenience of it all. Also I haven't been able to play Warhammer online since they stole my computer in Febuary because once I got a replacement my account expired. So I am looking forward to playing my Shadow Warrior, Japeth Marvel, once again and hopefully getting to lvl40 this time around.
Our LGS had to cancel the tournament they were going to run because only 3 people signed up. Had we (The customers) received our orders earlier there would have been at least 8 more people. I will be getting a Menoth box with my next 'online' order, so that I can paint them up and apply to be a PP Pressganger, so that I can run my own tournaments. I have already asked the local scout master if I could use their hall so now I just need to raise funds for tables and scenery. As far as I know we only have one Pressganger in the entire South Africa and he stays in Pretoria which is 1 hour+ from where i stay.
Until next time........
(Cheesy I know )
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