SO my Shadow Warrior hit lvl 40 on Sunday. Wow was the last 3 lvls a grind but at least I made it although I didn't make my one yr mark I did it in 1yr1day. Our guild has also started trying out a thing call tactics so I signed up for a pre-made group and ran around doing RvR and scenarios on Monday evening.
We had alot of fun although we got slaughtered often and learnt a bit about our roles in the group.
I am enjoying WAR abit more now that we have moved server to Karak-Norn...Lots of destro and good fights.
Mythic has announced the next patch and it looks good. No more stun, instead stagger will be introduced (a stun that is broken when damage is taken). Instead of you being Ganked by a witch elf now she will get one free strike before you are back in action again.
On the miniature side there is also good news. Privateer press have released the new MKII rules early by allowing the players to download, the unpolished version, in pdf from their website. They have also given a date for the Hordes field test, 14 November. This will be great because the two systems wont be out of sync for too long then.
I am expecting my Stormclad any day now then all my orders have arrived. That will give me a nice 1300pts, now I just need to get painting. We had a 7 way last week Thursday (Bank holiday here) where every system taken down and every model killed required you to drink a shot of something.....lets just say the poor hordes players had it rough, disable a system (1drink) and they heal it one point, next turn do it to 2 systems (2 Drinks) they heal to spirals, the following turn kill the beast (4 Drinks)....we had some really drunk people that night.
I did take photos of a game against our local Legion player but I misplaced my camera for so long I forgot what happened when I downloaded them. Next time Ill have a pen and paper.
I have been very busy at work and should be able to start gaming again in 2 weeks.
but until next time....